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Plantar Warts

Plantar warts, also known as verrucas, are small growths that appear on the soles of the feet, typically on weight-bearing areas such as the heels or balls of the feet. They are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which enters the skin through small cuts or breaks in the skin's surface. Plantar warts are highly contagious and can spread through direct contact with the virus, as well as by sharing towels, shoes, or walking barefoot in public areas such as locker rooms or swimming pools. Individuals with weakened immune systems or compromised skin integrity are at higher risk of developing plantar warts.

Treatment for plantar warts aims to eliminate the wart and prevent recurrence while relieving associated symptoms. Conservative treatment options may include over-the-counter topical medications containing salicylic acid, which help to dissolve the wart over time. Cryotherapy, or freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen, may also be used to destroy the wart tissue. In cases of persistent or painful plantar warts, surgical removal may be necessary, either through excision or laser therapy. Additionally, practicing good foot hygiene, wearing clean socks and shoes, and avoiding walking barefoot in public areas can help reduce the risk of developing plantar warts and prevent transmission to others. Early intervention and comprehensive treatment are key to effectively managing plantar warts and promoting overall foot health and comfort. For more information click here.

The symptoms of plantar warts may vary but often include small, grainy growths on the soles of the feet that may be flesh-colored, gray, brown, or black. Plantar warts may appear singly or in clusters, and they may have a rough, uneven surface with tiny black dots, which are small blood vessels that supply the wart with nutrients. In some cases, plantar warts may cause pain or discomfort, particularly when walking or standing, as they can press on nerves or surrounding tissues. If left untreated, plantar warts can increase in size and number and may become more difficult to treat over time.

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