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Achilles Pain / Rupture

Achilles pain and rupture refer to injuries involving the Achilles tendon, the thick band of tissue that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. Achilles pain can occur due to overuse, repetitive strain, or sudden increases in physical activity, leading to inflammation of the tendon (tendinitis) or small tears in the tendon fibers. Risk factors for Achilles pain include engaging in sports or activities that involve running, jumping, or

sudden stops and starts, as well as wearing improper footwear or having poor foot biomechanics. Achilles pain typically presents as discomfort, stiffness, or swelling in the back of the heel or lower calf, particularly during physical activity or upon waking in the morning. If left untreated, Achilles pain can progress to more severe symptoms, such as weakness, instability, and difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected foot.

Achilles rupture, on the other hand, is a more serious injury that occurs when the Achilles tendon tears partially or completely, usually as a result of sudden, forceful movements such as pushing off forcefully to jump or sprint. Achilles rupture is more common in middle-aged adults, particularly those who participate in sports or activities that require explosive movements or sudden changes in direction. The hallmark symptom of an Achilles rupture is a sudden, sharp pain in the back of the ankle or calf, often described as a "popping" or "snapping" sensation. Individuals with an Achilles rupture may also experience swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking or standing on the affected foot. In severe cases, the ability to point the toes downward may be impaired, indicating a complete rupture of the Achilles tendon.

Treatment for Achilles pain and rupture depends on the severity and extent of the injury but may include conservative measures such as rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) to reduce pain and swelling. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be used to alleviate pain and inflammation. Physical therapy and rehabilitation exercises are often prescribed to strengthen the muscles around the ankle and calf, improve flexibility, and promote proper healing of the Achilles tendon. In cases of severe or complete Achilles rupture, surgical intervention may be necessary to repair or reattach the torn tendon and restore function to the affected foot. With proper management and care, most individuals with Achilles pain or rupture can expect full recovery and return to their normal activities within a few months.


For more information about Achilles pain click here.


For more information about Achilles ruptures click here.

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